
Passive income is income that you work to create once, and then it pays off repeatedly over time. For example, an information product, private label content, a membership site, savings, investing in real estate, and more all qualify as possible income. It simply means you are not trading hours for dollars. 

Earning passive income will change your life. It’ll change your financial trajectory when you start thinking about ways to earn money in a more passive way instead of working per hour or getting paid only once for each project you complete. The reason is when you stop trading hours for dollars, you end all limits to how much money you can earn. The sky is truly the limit on what you can earn once you add in passive income. 

In this course, we’ll brainstorm passive income sources, how to start with what you already have, how to create a resource page that makes money, and finally, how to create a brand-new information product that will become a passive income resource for you.

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