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*RETIRED* Bloom with Printables
Read this first
Get Paid Before You Create Your Printables
Some examples
Let’d dig deeper
Sell First Then Create
Identify your audience
Learn About Them & Their Pain Points
Outline an Informational Webinar + Printables
Choose Your Delivery Method
Software and Tools
Marketing Your Information Product
Advantages of Creating Your Product after You Sell It
Keep Selling the Webinar as a Video or Audio Course
Bonus Money-Making Idea: Expand the Information
Recap the outline
Checklist: Get Paid To Create Printables via a Webinar
Cheat Sheet: Product Brainstorming Sheet
Where to find design elements you can use with commercial rights
5 different vaults for you to go “bananas” in
A bit of a BONUS
Where to sell your printables - not just to make money, but to build a tribe too
Disclaimer – this is why Etsy is a no go for me
5 places to sell your printables – none of them are Etsy
Video: How to create a birthday clipart
Video (6:32)
100+ different printables that people actually are interested in buying
The List
15 Ready made mock-ups for Pinterest
The mock-ups and how to access them
How to turn them into Instagram or Facebook images with 1 click (2:04)
15 ready made printables with commercial rights
Honey Pot
Monthly Cleaning Checklist (2 pages)
Peace and Love Poster
Martin Luther King jr quote
Mandala coloring page
Blog post schedule
Word search
Coloring page animal w/mandala
Coloring page for toddlers
Weekly note page
2021 calendar
Cursing coloring page adult
Intricate coloring page
Round maze w/solution (2 pages)
5 low content books with commercial rights
Book #1
Book #2
Book #3
Book #4
Book #5
Recap the outline
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